A controller that allows components to use the <slot> tag when their Shadow DOM is disabled.

Limitations include all slot content must be wrapped in an element, e.g. text must be in a <span> tag, and elements that Web Browsers will remove if not inside the correct tag must be wrapped in a <template> tag, e.g. table rows. The content of a <template> tag must also be wrapped in an element.


In addition the typical host parameter, the controller constructor takes references for all the slots it should control.

import {LitElement, html} from 'lit';
import {Ref, createRef, ref} from 'lit/directives/ref.js';

export class ElementWithSlots extends LitElement {

// disable the Shadow DOM
override createRenderRoot() {
return this;

// the slot controller
protected slotController: LisSlotController;

// slot references for the controller
protected defaultSlotRef: Ref<HTMLSlotElement> = createRef();
protected namedSlotRef: Ref<HTMLSlotElement> = createRef();

constructor() {
// instantiate the controller with the references
this.slotController = new LisSlotController(this, this.defaultSlotRef, this.namedSlotRef);

override render() {
return html`
<slot ${ref(this.defaultSlotRef)}>default slot content</slot>
<slot name="named-slot" ${ref(this.namedSlotRef)}>default named slot content</slot>


The above element can be used as follows:

<span>This will be placed in the unnamed slot and replace its default content</span>
<span slot="named-slot">This will be placed in the named slot and replace its default content</span>


  • ReactiveController





_children: Element[] = []
_slotRefs: Ref<HTMLSlotElement>[]

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